Can your home assist with your anxiety?

Can your home assist with your anxiety?

Yes, absolutely and here is how!

To increase the positive energy or chi in your home in order to reduce your level of anxiety try the following:

·       Flowers have been scientifically proven to elevate the serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is associated with happiness, focus and calmness. Add a bunch of blooms to your weekly food shopping. At my local supermarket I can pick up a lovely bunch for as little at $8.

·       Are you burning candles in the centre of your home? The centre gua or zone of your home represents health and wellness. Burning candles in this area represents burning off your health or the health of your family. This may be physical and mental health. All you need to do is burn your candle in a different location.

·       The dreaded clutter. Clutter has also been scientifically proven to increase levels of cortisol and in turn increases levels of stress and anxiety in a person. If you have a cluttered home in general or certain rooms of your home are filled with clutter and you keep putting this task off, now is the time to jump in and tackle this clutter. Even begin with 10-minutes each day or 1-hour each weekend. Your home and calmness will thank you.

·       Do a stock take of your home, beginning with your central gua or zone and look to see if there are any broken or chipped items in this area. Broken, damaged or chipped items in the central zone may represent that your health is below where it should be and needs fixing or attending to in some way. Remove these items and dispose if they are unable to be fixed.

·       Mirrors. This is an important one. Mirrors represent and reflect double what is going on in a persons life. If you are happy and calm, the mirror will reflect abundantly double the calmness and happiness. If you are anxious, the mirror will reflect double the levels of anxiety. For anyone who experiences anxiety, you certainly don’t need a double dose of this. Ensure your mirrors are clean, no chips or cracks in them (this represents increased anxiety), and where possible consider the mirror placements in your home. This is such a big topic, DM for further information. I will be doing a Podcast episode of this shortly.

·       Flowing positive chi and energy through your home. Each day open your back door and allows the old, stagnant or negative energy to leave for a few moments. Then open your front doors and windows and welcome in the new positive energy for the day. Fresh and flowing air into a home makes a world of difference.

·       Finally lighting – where possible fresh sunlight streaming into your home is always the best option. Sunlight has also been scientifically proven to increase your mood and assists with the increase of serotonin in the brain. If some of your rooms do not allow for natural sunlight to stream in, turn on your lights, even during the day when in that room, to allow for an increase in mood. Ensure you pop outside for a dose of Vitamin D each day, but don’t forget the sunscreen.

If you need any support with identifying the guas or zones of your home, my Map My Home service might suit you well. If you are interested in how to understand your home in greater details specifically in relation to your health and wellbeing, jump onto my Feng Shui Home Analysis info on my website.


4 things I would NOT have in my home as a child psychologist and feng shui practitioner.


does anxiety hit on the way to school, work or a social event?