does anxiety hit on the way to school, work or a social event?

8 Things to do in the car when anxiety hits on the way to school, an event, work or social activity:

1.     Identify you are anxious – label your worry or anxiety, call it out for what it is.

2.     Validate that feeling of anxiety – “It is okay to feel anxious. We all experience anxiety”. In fact, we all need a small amount of anxiety in our life to help keep us safe from danger.

3.     Identify the trigger – what is making me feel anxious right now?

4.     Rate the anxiety on a scale from 1-10, 1 being calm and relaxed, 5 being worried, 10 being panic attack. Any rating of 4 and above needs to be supported in some way.

5.     Create a positive affirmation for yourself such as “I am in control. I can do this”. Say this over several times and relax your breathing each time you do this.

6.     Use the art of distraction to assist – turn the radio up; play your favourite artist and sing at the top of your voice; play a Podcast; play a game with the kids in the car such as Spot-O for a yellow car, first person to spot a dog is the winner etc.

7.     Turn the air conditioning in your car to a cooler temperature and have a drink of water (if available). When we are worried or anxious, our temperatures can run on the warmer side.

8.     And my favourite one Positive Psychology strategies, complete G.L.A.D with everyone in the car or even on your own. As young at 4-5-years will be able to do this with you.

G – Gratitude -1 thing you are grateful for today.

L – Learnt – 1 thing you have learnt today or over the past 24-hours

A - Accomplished – 1 thing you have achieved today or over the past 24 hours

D – Delighted – 1 thing that has delighted you today or in the past 24 hours


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