Amanda Hawes Amanda Hawes

Bagua map

The Bagua Map is a tool that Feng Shui practitioners use to review a home, the 9 guas or zones, and review the energy in the home and how it relates to the different aspects of your life.

The best way to utilise the Bagua Map is to stand in the centre area of your home with a compass.

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Amanda Hawes Amanda Hawes

Did you know these facts about ADHD?

ADHD- Did you know these facts about ADHD?

- There are 3 types of ADHD.

- A person is born with ADHD, as it is a neurological difference in the wiring of the brain, and it is noted to run in families with a strong heredity component.

- ADHD is not the most ideal name for the difference, it implies that it is a deficit in attention, however what tends if occurs is that those with ADHD may have difficult attending to a non-preferred task, however can focus and hyperfocus on preferred activities or tasks of interest.

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Amanda Hawes Amanda Hawes

4 things I would NOT have in my home as a child psychologist and feng shui practitioner.

4 things I would NOT have in my home as a child psychologist and feng shui practitioner:

1. Loose, unstructured routines and free flowing routines. For neurodivergent families I would recommend clear structures, consistency in routines, and predictability with the day and night.

2. Unlimited device time. For neurodivergent families I would recommend clear structure and limits on device time, when, how long, monitoring and restrictions and the reasons why this is the case.

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Amanda Hawes Amanda Hawes

Can your home assist with your anxiety?

Can your home assist with your anxiety?

Yes, absolutely and here is how!

To increase the positive energy or chi in your home in order to reduce your level of anxiety try the following:

• Flowers have been scientifically proven to elevate the serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is associated with happiness, focus and calmness. Add a bunch of blooms to your weekly food shopping. At my local supermarket I can pick up a lovely bunch for as little at $8.

• Are you burning candles in the centre of your home?

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Amanda Hawes Amanda Hawes

does anxiety hit on the way to school, work or a social event?

8 Things to do in the car when anxiety hits on the way to school, an event, work or social activity.

1. Identify you are anxious – label your worry or anxiety, call it out for what it is.

2. Validate that feeling of anxiety – “It is okay to feel anxious. We all experience anxiety”. In fact, we all need a small amount of anxiety in our life to help keep us safe from danger.

3. Identify the trigger – what is making me feel anxious right now?

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Amanda Hawes Amanda Hawes

top 6 things to do if you suspect your child may be neurodivergent.

As a child psychologist here are my top 6 things I would do for a child with possible neurodivergence.

1. Seek support from a GP, Paediatrician or Psychologist

2. Validate my child’s feelings and what is going on for them, whether it is worry, big emotions, frustration and anger or feeling overwhelmed.

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Amanda Hawes Amanda Hawes

What is neurodivergence?

What is Neurodivergence?

Neurodivergence is a term that you may have heard recently and is an umbrella term that is used to assist in explaining and supporting those in need of support.

What neurodivergence means in simple terms is that an individual has a difference in the wiring of their brain, how their brain works and how their brain interprets the work around them.

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Amanda Hawes Amanda Hawes

who am I?

My name is Amanda Hawes and I am the owner of The Centred Home and Mind. My goal is to integrate psychology, feng shui and neurodivergence understandings, in a game changing way. I am a psychologist and feng shui practitioner who supports individuals and families to harness the positive energy in their home and minds, and to create a calm world for them to live in.

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