Did you know these facts about ADHD?

ADHD- Did you know these facts about ADHD?

-        There are 3 types of ADHD.

-        A person is born with ADHD, as it is a neurological difference in the wiring of the brain, and it is noted to run in families with a strong heredity component.

-        ADHD is not the most ideal name for the difference, it implies that it is a deficit in attention, however what tends if occurs is that those with ADHD may have difficult attending to a non-preferred task, however can focus and hyperfocus on preferred activities or tasks of interest.

-        1 in every 20 children in Australia are believed to have ADHD.

-        While it is more common in boys, it is still underdiagnosed in girls and in adults in general.

-        Girls and females are more likely to have ADHD- Predominantly Inattentive.

-        The traits of ADHD Inattentive in females is difficulty staying focused, being disorganised, forgetful, procrastinating such as getting started on a task or assignment, and often jumping around in topics and conversations.

-        3 out of 4 children diagnosed with ADHD, continue to experience traits and symptoms as adults.

-        Is ADHD becoming more diagnosed and popular – the answer is yes. It is believed to be due to research, knowledge and a better understanding of the brain. It has always been present. It is such a positive thing for specialists to understand and support these differences and difficulties.

-        Children and adults with ADHD often have co-occurring emotional or behavioural needs that require support such as anxiety or depression.


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