Bagua map

The Bagua Map is a tool that Feng Shui practitioners use to review a home, the 9 guas or zones, and review the energy in the home and how it relates to the different aspects of your life.

The best way to utilise the Bagua Map is to stand in the centre area of your home with a compass. One can be found on most smart phones. Take off your jewellery or any metal that might interfere with the compass. Lay the phone or compass flat on your hand. This will then allow you to locate North and then the various guas according to the compass and the locations in your home.

If you have a tricky layout or floorplan, or you have multiple levels in your home, you might like to consider the Map My Home service that I offer. This can assist you with your exact gua locations and the rooms that encompass each gua.

You are welcome to contact me via email if you have any questions regarding the Bagua Map and mapping your home.


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