What is neurodivergence?

Neurodivergence is a term that you have have heard more about recently that is used as an umbrella term that is used to assist in explaining and supporting those in need of support.

What neurodivergence means in simple terms is that an individual has a difference in the wiring of their brain, how their brain works and how their brain interprets the work around them. Their brain is simply wired differently.

Neurodivergence encompasses a list of differences including ADHD, Autism, Intellectual Disability, Learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, Down Syndrome, as well as mental health diagnoses of anxiety and depression.

Neurodivergence is not a disease that is preventable or curable.

Neurodivergence does not have a medical criterion that is associated with it.

Why is neurodivergence important to understand in a child or adult:

o   Allows for self-awareness and understanding themselves, which is essential for any person.

o   Awareness builds self-confidence and kindness to themselves.

o   Allows for a positive pathway to be supported that includes personal understanding, home and parenting support, school and learning supports, as well as friendship support and community engagement.


top 6 things to do if you suspect your child may be neurodivergent.


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